Transmaterialization Technology Vision: Part 4


  • In a TMT world, we may have access to scientists in other dimensions who know a few things. What if we could talk to Einstein directly?  Or some other scientist who never inhabited a body, but can explain the workings of the universe?
  • Quantum Mechanics, Consciousness-Physics Theories, String Theory, Sacred Geometry Models, The Standard Model. These, and many other physics theories can be examined in close detail in a TMT world, where the secrets of the universe are observable, and experts are available from every dimension. A “Theory of Everything” becomes closer to reality.
  • The nature and composition of subtle energy is observed. Theories that unify physical matter with subtle matter, and energy with consciousness, proliferate and evolve.
  • Having a deeper understanding of the nature of reality, and living within it, we gain new powers of control over, and responsibility for the universe.
  • Time travel and space travel become real in the TMT world.
  • Science and imagination find common ground.
  • Immortality, physical and non-physical, as well as access to resources become unlimited, as we grasp the nature of reality by first being able to observe it in the TMT world. We become true co-creators of the universe.
  • TMT is a versatile technology. It will allow us to commune with the natural world directly. When we can all talk clearly with rocks, water, the trees, etc., and truly know what all life really saying to us, we learn about ourselves and the universe around us.
  • The protocols of scientific method are still utilized, but in some circumstances in the TMT world, those protocols are modified, or other protocols are seen to be more reliable tools of observation.
  • The philosophical underpinnings of science are re-examined as the subjective and objective worlds begin to merge.
  • The final mysteries of biological life are examined, insofar as we will now have the tools to directly observe how subtle energy fields and consciousness interact with life forms. Healing and medicine undergo radical shifts.
  • New engineering challenges emerge to enhance TMT systems, following up on the new physics with new technology.
  • In addition to confirming the immortality of the soul, by consulting experts on the other side, in addition to subtle energy field studies, we learn the secrets of physical immortality.
  • Here is a thought experiment. Think about any field of knowledge. Imagine how that field would shift in a TMT world. You will be amazed!


  • John takes a course in personal development, where he is trained to sense the subtle anatomy and aspects of his soul, for self-understanding and healing. With the visualization tools in a TMT world, he no longer must rely on the limitations of that training and the relative skills which he has gained. He can see his anatomy clearly, and how every thought and action affects it, like biofeedback on steroids. He evolves rapidly.
  • In a TMT world, Mary gains access to her past lives. She can watch or experience part, or all those lives, like watching a movie. She does not need to go through dream recall or hypnotherapy. She can also interact with her past selves. This greatly accelerates her development.
  • Through the new technology, Bill can access his higher self, his soul group, his guides, angels, fairies, and other beings. Bill does not need to rely on psychics, ministers or counselors. He still has the choice to learn the lessons of life, to gain moral foundations, intellectual capacity, talents and powers in the old-fashioned way without these tools. But if he so desires, they are there at his disposal for his accelerated development.
  • Sharon is a healer. She has been very successful in her career. In the TMT world, she now has access to guidance and extra-sensory tools that provide detailed information about her clients. Her skills skyrocket.
  • Joe’s grandfather has just passed on. He can talk to his grandfather on the other side psychically, or use the services of a medium. But mediums are only as good as their subjective filters. What if Joe could access his grandfather directly?  How would this revolutionize the way we navigate the grief process?  Would grief even be in the mix, now that the dimensional bridges have been crossed? 
  • Cheryl wants to communicate with her friend. She can do so by text or email. But what about a direct telepathic connection, mediated by technology?  She looks on the screen, thinks a thought, and her friend receives it right away. How would this change culture?


  • In a TMT world, movement of goods is instantaneous. Transport of cargo and humans is commonplace, and distance is no object. (ITM)
  • In a TMT world, food can be materialized at will, assisted by the new technology. Hunger is a thing of the past. Other resources follow suit. We may even learn how to change our vibrations so food is unnecessary, or food of a different kind (love?) becomes our diet. (ITM)

Risks and Promises

  • In the TMT world, Natalie discovers that her ancestor cast an ancient spell on family descendants. This frightens her as she is a fragile soul. She descends into psychosis.
  • In the TMT world where all truths are revealed, a scientist learns that there is no “Theory of Everything” that ties the universe together. He is dismayed and disempowered by the prospect of an infinitely chaotic existence.
  • The TMT world includes access to Free Energy (IFE), which solves many of the problems of inequality. At first, society basks in the abundance, exploding with productivity, leisure and joy. Until it is discovered that some other form of interdimensional energy is being depleted, and that there are no free lunches. Unintended consequences are yet to be discovered.
  • As the biggest mirror into reality of all time, the TMT world magnifies the best and worst in us. Good and evil vie for dominance. The battle could be quite unpleasant. 
  • When all is revealed, we see both the beautiful and the ugly. We discover how overt and covert enemies, including ourselves, have used power to foment war and separation. The role of perennial wisdom is to show us the truth. By literally connecting us, this frontier technology materializes that wisdom in front of our eyes, demonstrating, among other things, how destroying others only destroys ourselves, inspiring us to use the new powers for good.


Most contemporary searches for a “Theory of Everything” fail to take paranormal phenomena into consideration. I propose that we examine more inclusive cosmologies, develop new ones that incorporate paranormal observations, and engineer technologies that make them real in our lives. Trans Materialization Technologies (TMT) are a key factor in this journey. They will revolutionize our understanding of the universe, and lead to the next step in our evolution.

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