Transmaterialization Technology: Vision – Part 1

Transmaterialization Technology – A Vision


Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC) is defined as technologically assisted communication across the veil separating physical and non-physical existence. It occurs as images, voice, and text messages, can be interactive, and can also include materialization phenomena such as those experienced with a Psychomanteum (a customized mirror inspired by the Oracle of Delphi). When referring only to voice and text messages, the operative term is Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP)

There exists an extensive and important literature on ITC. For the reader of this article, please refer to the ATransC website for a comprehensive view of the current state of the art:

In the same family as ITC are other instrumentally mediated paranormal phenomena, for which I have created the following acronyms. (The first is a shorter definition of ITC):

  • Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC): Referring to technologically assisted communication across the veil separating physical and non-physical existence.
  • Instrumental Energy Visualization (IEV): Referring to mechanical or electronic devices that read and display the human energy field, such as an aura camera.
  • Instrumental Trans-Materialization (ITM): Referring to instruments that facilitate the transport of matter through space, aka teleportation. Such an instrument might also transport objects through time.
  • Instrumental Free Energy (IFE): Referring to instruments that generate free energy, defined as energy output that exceeding input.
  • Instrumental Paranormal Healing (IPH): Referring to instruments that facilitate physical healing or enhancement of well-being.

Practitioners of Wicca, Shamanism, Ceremonial Magic, Physical Trance Mediumship, Radionics, and similar fields utilize “instruments” such as magic mirrors, magic wands, crystals, herbs, “trumpets,” and radionic devices. Although these might have some electromagnetic properties, they are not strictly modern electro-mechanical devices. So even though they could be bridges to the use of electro-mechanical devices, I do not include them in the list.

We need an umbrella term to describe all such technologies. The term I have chosen is Trans-Materialization Technology (TMT).

Paranormalists include parapsychologists and other scientists who study phenomena. But from an engineering standpoint, ITC has a head start, especially its sub-discipline, EVP.  Even though it is still at a relatively early stage of development, ITC may be a good starting point for research and development of TMT, but we can research the other technologies simultaneously.

Mainstream thought says that no information or survival exists beyond the final state of death. This is known as the Physical Hypothesis. ITC postulates either that information generated by sentient beings is never lost, can be recovered and replayed (the Super-Psi Hypothesis) and/or that at least some sentient beings (including humans) continue to survive in a coherent, bounded form beyond physical death and can be contacted (the Survival Hypothesis). Current evidence points in the direction of the Survival Hypothesis.

This essay is not about proof of the afterlife. That will the subject of another paper. Suffice it to say that there is considerable ignorance of the evidence supporting the afterlife, and pseudo-skepticism about its non-existence.

As one convinced that survival is factually true, I have often asked what would be the fastest way to prove it to skeptics. Although philosophical and scientific analysis of existing evidence is conclusive in its support of the survival hypothesis, these approaches have yielded little in the way of definitive proof to skeptics. A working invention that meets the standards of 100% replicability, instantaneous accessibility at all times, and of high fidelity, would settle the matter once and for all. If this challenge cannot be met, it lends credibility to the skeptics, but might also mean that the survival hypothesis is true nonetheless.

Here is one example. When phone calls to the “dead” are as commonplace as phone calls to the living, the phenomenon will be universally accepted. All that remains will be a theory to explain it. There are still questions about the theory of electricity, yet we don’t question electricity because we use it every day. Thus, invention may be the quickest way to prove the survival hypothesis, not to mention some practical applications that are discussed in this paper.

One may ask, why bother developing this industry if the endpoint is a world in which only the privileged few who can afford such instruments will reap the benefits; and therefore, shouldn’t we instead focus on teaching people how to access other dimensions cost free, using only their bodies and minds. There are three answers to this question:

  •    Even though it is possible to teach these skills without the use of instruments, it is difficult. Only a small percentage of the world’s population, including mystics, yogis, psychics, healing practitioners, etc. have these non-instrumental skills, and the problem of subjective filtering can obscure fidelity.
  •    It is possible that the technology can be miniaturized and embedded in something as simple as a smart phone, through a combination of hardware and software. Even in the undeveloped world, most people own or have access to smart phones. Unlike non-instrumental methods, this will make it ubiquitous.
  •    There is no reason why humans, standalone machines, and human-machine interfaces cannot coexist with this technology. In fact, there may be a synergistic effect to evolving in all three directions. As an example, people learning biofeedback to accelerate mental control of their bodies retain their skills after weaning themselves off the biofeedback devices.

Thus, if fairness and equity are worthy objectives, the development of TMT is not only a path to accelerated evolution, but to a leveling of the playing field.

Does this play into the most frightening aspects of the transhumanist model, ie.) the dehumanizing takeover by machines? Not really. In fact, current efforts toward “the singularity” ignore the spiritual, metaphysical and paranormal aspects of reality altogether. The addition of these aspects will humanize the movement.

Physical and non-physical realities have consciousness and structure. Although they may obey different laws and properties due to differences of state, there are likely to be some similarities. The fact that these states can be bridged implies connectedness. Building bridges is the purpose of this exploration, and a pathway to reaching the final frontier of wholeness – the “Theory and Practice of Everything!”

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