Transmaterialization Technology Vision: Part 2

The TMT World

What does the TMT world look like?  In the TMT world, nothing is hidden, but we have a choice to see it or not. We deserve access. It is our right and heritage as sentient beings.

Thoughts can be visualized. The subtle energy fields that exist around everything are seen clearly. Non-physical dimensions of reality can be viewed on a screen or in virtual reality, or even literally entered- into as if visiting another room. These are expressions of IEV and ITC.

Invisible life forms appear and can be communicated with. Objects and living beings can be made to appear, disappear and teleport (ITM). All of this takes place in the theater of physicality with the assistance of instruments. It is not merely an exercise in imagination, or a gift possessed only by psychics and mystics. Time travel may even become a reality (ITM). The world of imagination blends with the real world. We are literally in the Twilight Zone. This is a game changer!

Impacts of TMT

In discussing some specific impacts of a world in which TMT has been perfected, I will break it down into the following broad categories: Religious/Cultural, Scientific, Humanitarian, Personal, and Risks.


  • Religious revelations. Some religions will be validated. Others not. This alone can start revolutions.
  • Objective proof of the existence of life after death, which may have far-reaching consequences on world belief systems, for the betterment of mankind.
  • Some people believe there has been an inner plane war going on for a long time. Warriors who have access to and manipulate these secrets and energies have an advantage. Unveiling the secrets removes their power, and empowers everyone else.
  • Facilitation of communication and education between the various planes of existence, such as access to historical data that cannot be otherwise retrieved, transmission of music, philosophy and science, and a general expansion of understanding of cosmology, theology and physics.
  • The ability for historical figures, including religious figures and ancestors, to appear at will in our own time.
  • Communication with extraterrestrial cultures.
  • Communication with cetaceans, animals, and last, but not least, telepathic reception and transmission of live human thought.


  • Scientific revelations to accelerate our understanding of nature and technology.
  • Developing a “Theory of Everything” inclusive of physics, metaphysics, the paranormal and subtle energies.
  • Facilitation of theories on the true physics of matter and energy.
  • Broadening our perception of reality. Being in the greater reality.
  • Proving, disproving or modifying subtle energy models.
  • Bridging dimensions of time, space and vibration. The repercussions of this are endless.
  • Agricultural improvements through plant communication, and a communion with the plant kingdom, which may have more ramifications than ever imagined.


  • Personal development and evolution through direct access to our higher selves and other beings – past, present and future.
  • Automated spiritual guidance for all who have access to ITC equipment, and freedom from the reliance on mediums and channelers exclusively.
  • Direct access to angels, guides, ET’s, fairies, etc. for the betterment of humanity.
  • Healing tools will improve as everyone can instantly see clearly what is happening on the subtle levels.
  • Objective information and guidance, free from the subjective biases of most psychics. Why go through a personality filter when you have direct access? Intuitives will not be put entirely out of business. But the client will now have direct access to sources, leaving the intuitive to focus on counseling and healing.
  • Grief support – more evidential than mediums.


  • Transport of material instantaneously through space can greatly facilitate movement of goods and people throughout the world, saving great sums of money on transport costs. (ITM)
  • A solution to world hunger via the instantaneous creation of food. Freedom from economic scarcity through instantaneous creation of anything material. (ITM)
  • Resolution of energy shortages, as energy becomes free and ubiquitous (IFE)


  • Revelation of secrets that we, as humanity, may not be able to handle, given our aptitude for separatism and war.
  • Misuse of powers to destroy rather than build.
  • Unintended consequences through accessing energy and information from other dimensions.

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