Transmaterialization Technology Vision: Part 3


The following are scenarios illustrating the aforementioned impacts. Some of these examples include interpretations based on the author’s current world view. Other illustrations are simply thought experiments that are not the author’s view. We really don’t know what to expect, and what we will learn when this new world is upon us. But learn we must.

The purpose of this paper is to unravel a vision of possibilities. I invite the reader to use these examples as a platform to imagine and create their own scenarios.


Most all the world’s religious traditions include beliefs grounded in cosmological interpretations of deity and the afterlife. Atheists and agnostics often dismiss these beliefs, and along with it, entire systems of religious thought. If proof of deity, the afterlife and cosmic realms were demonstrable and unquestionable, religionists, atheists and agnostics alike would be challenged to modify their beliefs to conform with the evidence. Breakdowns and breakthroughs in religious thought and practice would ensue, with the possibility of an emergent world religion grounded in science. As religious differences dissolve, world peace would receive a well-deserved shot in the arm.

Each religion has its history, texts and stories. In a world where all information is present and known, this content will cease to be faith-based, not that faith will ever disappear. The supremacy of consciousness as causal is axiomatic, but objective truth will be the gold standard. I predict that the objective and subjective worlds will be seen to be a continuum, and the mechanism of their connections will become clearer.

Some ITC theorists have posited a cosmology that explains the operator effect, in which subjective phenomena such as worldview necessarily contaminate results, making the vision of a consensus based “objective” reality impossible. They may be correct, but it is also possible that this is yet one more obstacle to overcome, and that we will find workarounds to the problem.

One important function of religion is the shepherding of moral development through faith, wisdom, and fiat. As the true nature of reality is revealed in a way that is acceptable to believers because the source of religion itself becomes visible, the laws of moral development will both change and accelerate.

Here are some examples to illustrate these points, using hypothetical discoveries:

  • A fundamentalist Christian believes in heaven and hell, where heaven is a place of freedom, comfort, love and eternal life, and hell is a place of suffering, struggle and eventual soul death. She believes that heaven is the reward for a life well lived, and hell a punishment for immoral acts. She now lives in the TMT world, where she can actually see (and possibly visit) the afterlife dimension. Instead of heaven and hell, she discovers a continuum of planes and places, each corresponding to a person’s beliefs, thought forms, and evolutionary needs. Her belief system is shaken, and she is challenged to modify it to be congruent with this newer, expanded dimension. Her world is never the same. Instead of focusing on black and white definitions of good and evil, she can observe precisely how her beliefs are creating reality in both the physical and afterlife dimensions. And she may acquire new paranormal powers, similar to NDE experiencers.
  • Or, she might discover that heaven and hell are a reality, confirming her belief system, and reinforcing and encouraging further adherence to her existing religious practice. We don’t know what the TMT world will reveal. We only know that making the invisible visible will have a profound effect on what people believe and how they act.
  • A Hindu believer has read through the sacred texts, and accepts a cosmology describing the creation and evolution of the planes of existence, each populated with its own creatures and deities. He also believes in reincarnation, and has specific ideas on what that looks like. In a TMT world, the planes and populations are seen clearly.  He might even be able to visit them in his physical body. Some of his beliefs are affirmed, and others denied. He learns that certain deities are mere thought forms and others are real. He discovers the true nature of the in-between-life soul, and the reincarnated soul, and they are not what he has been taught.
  • A Wahabi Islamist believes that by purifying the world from infidels, he will be given access to numerous virgins upon entering the afterlife. In a TMT world, he peeks into that world through virtual reality lenses. He observes that there are no virgins in the afterlife, and the reward for murder is a stern lesson from a wise and loving teacher about the pain murderers inflict on themselves and their victims. Provided with direct evidence, he is forced to re-examine his faith.
  • A follower of a New Age cosmology describing the nature of reality based on channeled information believes that there are worlds of increasingly subtle vibration, with maps, life forms and cultures structured in a particular way. In a TMT world, the model is affirmed, denied or modified.
  • A scientist, atheist and skeptic believes that there is no proof of an afterlife, and that religions who subscribe to such concepts are mere belief systems based on primitive superstition. The TMT world reveals that there is in fact an afterlife, levels of non-physical reality, and perhaps even the existence of heaven, hell, deities, and other claims made by religionists – giving new life to religion.
  • In a TMT world, historical figures might be shown to be co-existent with our physical reality. A devout Christian can now consult Jesus directly for guidance, blessings and miracles.
  • The hitherto hidden world of demons, negative ET’s, astral life-form conspirators, and even human manipulators is revealed, along with the fallacies, mind-controls and wars which have enslaved humankind for eons. Some religions will be seen to be infected with these beings and their ideas, and will either disappear or undergo reform. Other beliefs will be validated, and theologies evolved in alignment with these new discoveries. Similarly, the heroes of the universe, perhaps angels, gods and guides, will be accessible for enhanced knowledge, blessings, and instruction as to the true nature of creation. Everyone can now be a prophet.
  • The path to spiritual development will be enhanced through universal, direct contact with our spiritual sources, ancestors and cohabitants.
  • As objective information becomes transparent in the TMT world, the line between religion, science and art becomes blurred, coming full circle from the ancient unity of disciplines, through that long and necessary period of separation, circling back into unity.
  • With TMT assisted technology, we can communicate with whales, dolphins and the entire animal kingdom. As we realize our oneness with nature, our religion accommodates the new reality, respecting each species as sentient.
  • With TMT assisted technology, we suddenly find ourselves on par with the way the more evolved species in the universe communicate. ET’s become a part of our community, and we become legitimate members of the universal brotherhood/sisterhood.

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