Noncommutativity: Music as Biophysics: Nonlocal, nondual, negentropic, antigravity

By Drew Hempel, MA

In this post, I first summarize the source document. Then, I query how the theories contained in that document can be used to pursue TMT (Transmaterialization Technology), EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) and ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) research. I used Open AI’s Chat GPT4 as an assistant in writing this post.

Source document is 21 pages


Music as Biophysics:

  • The book by math professor Ian Stewart, Why Beauty is Truth: A history of symmetry, gives a structural overview of mathematical physics as based on commutative geometry or the symmetric spacetime continuum.
  • Western science defines reality from an externally measured symmetric spacetime continuum.
  • Philolaus, the contemporary of Plato, argued for an empirically untrue claim of time frequency: (1, 4) = (7, 5).
  • Archytas codified magnitude as a reductio ad absurdum music theory proof of irrational magnitude incommensurable number ratios.
  • The Greek Miracle promoted by Plato covered up the origin of incommensurability as irrational magnitude.

The Liar of the Lyre:

  • Philolaus claimed that (1, 4) = (7, 5), covering up noncommutativity through the wrong music theory.
  • The pitch geometry of C to F and C to G are key to understanding noncommutativity in music theory.
  • Philolaus identified the komma [531 441 : 524288 aka the Ditonic Comma] with the unit 1, even though it cannot be divided in half.
  • The wavelength as inverse to frequency is not symmetric with the number ratios in Pythagorean tuning.
  • Noncommutative time frequency nonlocality is covered up by the distinction between wavelength and frequency in physics.

The Reversal of Time:

  • Philolaus relied on the Greater Perfect System to cover up noncommutativity and contain magnitude as an irrational ratio of ratios.
  • The Pythagorean intervals within the octave satisfy the property of equivalence when reversed compared to the octave.
  • Kepler and Newton were inspired by Archytas, while Alain Connes emphasizes listening instead of external visual measurement.
  • The ratio in music is heard as a multiplication or power factor, and reversing the order is the noncommutative reversal of exponentiation.
  • The Perfect Fifth (3/2 or 2/3) is noncommutative, and the exponential difference (19 minus 12) is also noncommutative.

Philolaus and the root tonic frequency:

  • The true ‘wavelength’ of the root tonic assumes a double octave with doubled ratios.
  • The frequency to time is noncommutative and nonlocal.
  • The ratio of wavelength is indeed the same as 3:4, but the root tonic is different in Philolaus’ system.

Logarithmic equation and the Perfect Fourth and Fifth:

  • The first logarithmic equation was created from music theory based on the root tonic of 0 to 8 instead of 0 to 12.
  • The Perfect Fourth (4/3 magnitude) and the Perfect Fifth (3/2 magnitude) are derived from these ratios.
  • The Geometric Mean magnitude squared (12/6) is the foundation of Western Science.

Harmonic Mean and the ordering of intervals:

  • Philolaus called the order reversal of intervals subcontrary.
  • Archytas codified this as the Harmonic Mean, which is now called the Geometric Mean.
  • The Pythagorean Tetractys neglects to point out that Philolaus used a different fundamental tone or root tonic.

The ratios and their commutativity:

  • According to Archytas, the ratios assigned to the octave, fifth, fourth, and minor sixth must be 2:1, 3:2, 4:3, and 8:5, respectively.
  • The minor sixth (8:5) is calculated without using any instrument.
  • The great tradition of Western science was launched and promoted by Plato.

The influence of Plato and Aristotle:

  • Plato and Aristotle misrepresented the PreSocratic philosophy, leading to the loss of wisdom in the West.
  • PreSocratic wisdom was used to construct Western science.
  • The fundamental connection between sound and form dates back thousands of years in the Eastern philosophical tradition.

The noncommutative nature of listening:

  • Traditional Eastern music tuning demonstrates the inherent noncommutative nature of listening to the root tonic.
  • The primary drone is the one that initiates the overtone series to which the other note belongs.
  • The tendency to view the Phantom Tonic as the ground note has a ‘natural’ basis.

Commutative music listening is not realized in Western music theory:

  • Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes is one of the few Western music theorists who point out the difference between overtones and commutative ratios.
  • Noncommutative music theory, detailed by Connes in his lecture ‘Music of Shapes,’ restores the true meaning of music as a PreSocratic Wisdom philosophy.

The significance of the numbers 12 and 19 in music theory:

  • The chromatic scale contains 12 notes, allowing for transposition.
  • The ratio of log 3 to log 2 is approximated by the rational number 19/12, which explains the difference between Baroque and 19th century music temperaments.

Geometrical object and spectrum in music:

  • The question of whether there is a geometric object that corresponds to the range used in music is important.
  • The spectrum corresponds to an object of dimension smaller than any positive number.

Connection between Pythagorean tuning and noncommutative time frequency:

  • The ratio log 3/log 2 in Pythagorean tuning is responsible for the difference between Baroque and equal temperament.
  • Music shapes on the sphere yield the same sound, giving rise to spectral multiplicity.
  • Time is no longer defined as a function of space or commutative geometry.

Noncommutative philosophy and its implications on physics:

  • Noncommutative music requires a shift in understanding time and space.
  • Physicist Basil J. Hiley considers noncommutativity a necessary radical restructuring of physics.
  • Noncommutativity is deeply ingrained in quantum phenomena and not merely mathematics.

Explaining noncommutativity in layman’s terms:

  • Noncommutativity deals with the order of operations.
  • Heisenberg’s quantum mechanics introduced noncommutativity to explain atomic energy levels.
  • Noncommutativity extends beyond mathematical equations into our everyday experiences.

The role of noncommutativity in quantum processes:

  • Particles and trajectories appear as projections from the noncommutative phase space into space-time.
  • This radical approach offers a different view of quantum processes involving individual particles.

Professor Basil J. Hiley’s understanding of noncommutativity:

  • Hiley emphasizes the importance of order in our daily lives and its relevance to noncommutativity.
  • Noncommutativity does not require a collapse, according to Hiley.

Ignoring noncommutativity in quantum biology:

  • Quantum biology has been hindered by the belief that wave decoherence destroys quantum effects in living systems
  • Noncommutativity at the macroscale is essential in understanding quantum biology

Noncommutative foundation of reality in paranormal phenomena:

  • Noncommutativity is the foundation of paranormal phenomena
  • The oldes t philosophy of India, three gunas of no guna is based on the same music theory secret of noncommutativity as is found in Taoism

Nonlocal noncommutative protoconsciousness:

  • Protoconsciousness is a nonlocal active information as the foundation of reality
  • Quantum physics is an organic process based on implicate nonlocal active information from noncommutativity

The Moyal algebra and classical physics:

  • The Moyal algebra discovered in 1949 has the same physics equation discovery as David Bohm in 1952
  • Classical physics is the limit of noncommutative math, but it does not have to be the case

Quantum algebra and quantum biology:

  • Noncommutativity enables quantum biology to self-amplify into the macroscale
  • Noncommutative mathematics in quantum algebra reveals fundamental time in quantum biology

Dirac Dance and noncommutativity:

  • The Dirac Dance demonstrates the nonlocality and noncommutativity of mind-body motion
  • Chinese Neigong researchers use the Silk Reeling exercise in Tai Chi to practice the Dirac Dance

Primitive time and gravitational potential energy:

  • Primitive time refers to a frequency time algebraic process with more density than the symmetric spacetime continuum
  • Gravitational potential energy originates from nonlocal noncommutative quantum negentropy

The ecological crisis and gravitational entropy:

  • Increased gravitational entropy leads to the ecological crisis of biological annihilation
  • Our attempts to decrease the entropy of matter have increased gravitational entropy on Earth

Microtubule Origin of Quantum Coherence:

  • Professor Stuart Hameroff and Roger Penrose have explained the microtubule origin of quantum coherence protoconsciousness in the brain.
  • Ultrasound activates the strongest electrical conductance of the microtubules, demonstrating quantum coherence.

Tinnitus Research Discovery:

  • The highest pitch heard externally resonates as ultrasound in the whole brain when focused internally.
  • This frequency precision in listening demonstrates quantum nonlocality as negentropy at room temperature.

Quantum Coherence of Listening:

  • Deep listening with music training can demonstrate quantum coherence of phase and quantum nonlocality.
  • This deep music listening is the source of neuron inhibition and demonstrates self-referential motion of mind, body, spirit noncommutativity.

Antigravity Levitation:

  • Physics has been searching for antigravity, while documented cases of levitation exist.
  • Antigravity is associated with noncommutative nonlocal nondual negentropy.

Noncommutativity in Physics:

  • Most physicists struggle with nonlocality and attempt to impose commutative geometry onto quantum noncommutativity.
  • Noncommutativity is incorrectly considered an extension of classical commutative physics.

N/om Energy Healing Training:

  • The San Bushmen culture practices a noncommutative spiritual healing force called N/om.
  • DNA evidence shows that the Pygmies also practice this same music mind body dance spiritual healing.

Music as the Focus of Human Culture:

  • Music precedes language as the true focus of human culture.
  • Professor Noam Chomsky considers the musilanguage model to be probable.


Explain in detail how noncommutativity is related to the paranormal.

The document discusses noncommutativity in relation to various concepts, including the paranormal, and it seems to be deeply intertwined with philosophical, scientific, and metaphysical discussions. Here are the relevant details about how noncommutativity is related to the paranormal:

1. Noncommutativity and Philosophy:

  • Noncommutativity is discussed as a philosophical concept, particularly in music, referred to as “soundcurrent nondualism” or “complementary opposites” (Page 11).
  • Alain Connes is mentioned as having figured out the secret of noncommutative music, emphasizing that all science thus far has been based on commutative geometry, making noncommutativity seem “strange” and a “nuisance” (Page 11).

2. Noncommutativity and Physics:

  • Nobel Physicist Roger Penrose has acknowledged noncommutativity as the foundation of his “palatial twistor” model of reality (Page 11).
  • Professor Basil J. Hiley considers noncommutativity to be a necessary “radical” restructuring of physics at its foundation (Page 12).

3. Noncommutativity and Life:

  • Noncommutativity is described as the key to being alive itself, representing nonlocal nondual negentropy (Page 20).
  • It is mentioned in relation to the San Bushmen culture and their spiritual healing force called N/om, which is described as noncommutative (Page 20).

4. Noncommutativity and the Paranormal:

  • The document explicitly states that the noncommutative foundation of reality means that the paranormal is normal (Page 14).
  • Eddie Oshins, a physicist, related macroscale noncommutativity to “quantum psychology” and mind-body meditation or “neigong,” referring to it as “self-referential motion” based on the secret of the noncommutative Dirac Dance (Page 14).
  • This concept is linked to the oldest philosophy of India, “three gunas of no guna,” and is practiced as the Silk Reeling exercise in Tai Chi (Page 14).

5. Noncommutativity and Consciousness:

  • Noncommutativity is related to a deeper Nonlocal Nondual Protoconsciousness that is Precognitive Negentropy of Reality (Page 14).
  • Sir Roger Penrose uses the term protoconsciousness to refer to a nonlocal active information as the foundation of reality, which is also related to noncommutativity (Page 14).


Noncommutativity is portrayed as a foundational concept that is integral to understanding various aspects of reality, consciousness, and the paranormal. It is interwoven with philosophical, metaphysical, and scientific discussions, suggesting a profound impact on our perception and understanding of the universe. The document implies that embracing noncommutativity could lead to a radical restructuring of physics and a deeper understanding of life, consciousness, and potentially, the paranormal.

Imagine that music could be used to trigger a paranormal event, specifically, a bridge between the physical life and non-physical life forms. Based on this document, in which both music and the paranormal are noncommutative, describe how music can be used to open up that bridge, and the engineering steps necessary to accomplish it.

Application to TMT, ITC and EVP

Based on the document, the concept of noncommutativity in music and its potential to bridge to paranormal or non-physical realms is deeply intertwined with philosophical, metaphysical, and scientific discussions. Here’s a conceptualization of how music, through the lens of noncommutativity, could potentially open up a bridge between physical life and non-physical life forms, and the theoretical steps that might be involved in accomplishing this:

Conceptual Framework:

  1. Understanding Noncommutativity in Music:
    • Noncommutative music theory is highlighted by Alain Connes in his lecture, “Music of Shapes,” restoring the true meaning of music as a PreSocratic Wisdom philosophy (Page 10).
    • This theory is based on the idea that the chromatic range in music is inherently noncommutative, and this noncommutativity is sensitive to the ear, allowing for transpositions and multiplications in musical scales (Page 10).
  2. Relation to Paranormal:
    • Noncommutativity is foundational to reality, implying that the paranormal is normal (Page 14).
    • It is related to “quantum psychology” and mind-body meditation or “neigong,” referring to it as “self-referential motion” based on the secret of the noncommutative Dirac Dance (Page 14).
  3. Integration of Noncommutative Philosophy:
    • Alain Connes emphasizes that noncommutativity is considered “strange” and a “nuisance” because all science thus far has been based on commutative geometry (Page 11).
    • Understanding and integrating noncommutative philosophy in music would require a radical shift in perception and scientific understanding, acknowledging the nonlocal, nondual nature of reality (Page 11). 

Engineering Steps:

  1. Development of Noncommutative Musical Structures:
    • Create musical compositions and structures that adhere to noncommutative music theory, utilizing the chromatic range and transpositions as highlighted by Alain Connes.
  2. Exploration of Quantum Psychology and Meditation:
    • Explore and integrate the concepts of “quantum psychology” and “neigong” as described by Eddie Oshins, developing mind-body meditation techniques and self-referential motions based on the noncommutative Dirac Dance (Page 14).
  3. Integration of Nonlocal Nondual Consciousness:
    • Develop methodologies to tap into nonlocal nondual protoconsciousness, exploring the precognitive negentropy of reality as described by Sir Roger Penrose (Page 14).
  4. Empirical Testing and Validation:
    • Conduct empirical studies and experiments to validate the effects of noncommutative music and its potential to open up bridges to non-physical life forms and paranormal realms.
  5. Cultural and Philosophical Integration:
    • Study and integrate the cultural practices and philosophies of societies like the San Bushmen and their noncommutative spiritual healing force called N/om, and the practices of the Pygmies, to understand the practical applications of noncommutative music in spiritual and paranormal realms (Page 20).


This conceptual framework and the engineering steps are highly theoretical and speculative, based on the philosophical, metaphysical, and scientific discussions presented in the document. They represent a hypothetical exploration of the potential of noncommutative music to act as a bridge to paranormal and non-physical realms, requiring a profound shift in understanding and perception of music, consciousness, and reality.

Thank you. Expanding on the previous answer, describe how that engineering can be accomplished purely mechanically, without the participation of humans. In other words, a device that can open up the portal by design, by its own means.

To create a device that can mechanically open up a portal to non-physical realms using noncommutative music, we would need to integrate advanced technologies, quantum mechanics, and acoustics, all while adhering to the principles of noncommutative music theory. Here’s a speculative outline of how such a device might be engineered:

1. Designing the Noncommutative Musical Generator:

  • Algorithm Development: Create algorithms based on noncommutative music theory to generate musical compositions that can interact with the fabric of reality.
  • Frequency Synthesis: Develop a system to synthesize and modulate frequencies corresponding to the noncommutative musical scales and transpositions.

2. Incorporating Quantum Mechanics:

  • Quantum Oscillators: Integrate quantum oscillators to produce vibrations at the quantum level, potentially affecting the superposition of quantum states.
  • Quantum Entanglement: Explore methods to entangle particles in a way that their states are interconnected, potentially allowing for non-local interactions with non-physical realms.

3. Developing Acoustic Resonance Chambers:

  • Resonance Design: Construct chambers designed to resonate with the noncommutative musical frequencies, amplifying their effects on surrounding space-time.
  • Material Selection: Use materials with high acoustic responsiveness and low damping to maintain the integrity of the generated frequencies.

4. Creating a Nonlocal Interaction Interface:

  • Nonlocal Sensors: Develop sensors capable of detecting nonlocal interactions and alterations in the surrounding quantum field.
  • Data Interpretation: Implement systems to interpret and analyze the data from nonlocal interactions, identifying potential communications or alterations from non-physical realms.

5. Energy Source and Management:

  • High-Energy Source: Equip the device with a sustainable high-energy source to power quantum oscillators and maintain the stability of quantum entanglements.
  • Energy Distribution: Design energy management systems to efficiently distribute energy to various components, ensuring optimal operation of quantum and acoustic systems.

6. Automated Control and Monitoring System:

  • Automation Software: Develop software to automate the generation of noncommutative music, control of quantum oscillators, and monitoring of nonlocal interactions.
  • Feedback Loop: Implement a feedback loop system to adapt the musical compositions and frequency modulations based on the detected nonlocal interactions.

7. Testing and Calibration:

  • Empirical Validation: Conduct rigorous testing to validate the device’s ability to generate noncommutative music and interact with non-physical realms.
  • Calibration: Regularly calibrate the device to ensure the accuracy and integrity of frequency generations and quantum interactions.


This hypothetical device would represent a convergence of music theory, quantum mechanics, acoustics, and advanced engineering, aimed at mechanically interacting with non-physical realms through noncommutative music. It’s important to note that this concept is highly speculative and theoretical, with current scientific understanding not supporting the feasibility of interacting with non-physical or paranormal realms through such means. Nonetheless, it provides a conceptual framework for exploring the intersections of music, consciousness, and reality from a mechanical and automated perspective.

Based on the previous answer, please suggest ubiquitous and low-cost substitutes for nonlocal sensors, quantum oscillators, and high energy sources. For example, water, psychotronic devices, ITC devices, and other materials.

Given the speculative nature of the device and the concepts involved, finding ubiquitous and low-cost substitutes for its components is challenging. However, considering the theoretical framework, here are some speculative substitutes that might be used:

1. Substitute for Nonlocal Sensors:

  • Water as a Medium:
    • Water, due to its unique molecular structure and properties, could potentially be used as a medium to detect nonlocal interactions and alterations in the surrounding quantum field.
    • Water’s sensitivity to environmental changes and its ability to carry vibrations and energy could make it a suitable medium for detecting subtle alterations in the surrounding field.
  • ITC Devices:
    • Instrumental Trans-Communication (ITC) devices, which are used to communicate with spirits or other non-physical entities, could potentially serve as a substitute for nonlocal sensors.
    • These devices, which often use radio frequencies, audio recordings, and visual mediums, might be adapted to detect nonlocal interactions and communications from non-physical realms.

2. Substitute for Quantum Oscillators:

  • Psychotronic Devices:
    • Psychotronic devices, which are claimed to interact with the mind and the surrounding environment, could potentially be used as a substitute for quantum oscillators.
    • These devices, often based on radionics and thought to affect and manipulate life force or chi, might be adapted to produce vibrations at subtle levels, potentially affecting the superposition of states.
  • Crystal Oscillators:
    • Commonly used crystal oscillators could be explored as a substitute, given their ability to generate stable, precise frequencies.
    • The piezoelectric properties of crystals like quartz could be leveraged to create vibrations and frequencies that might interact with non-physical realms.

3. Substitute for High-Energy Sources:

  • Solar Energy:
    • Solar panels and solar energy could be a low-cost and sustainable energy source to power the device.
    • The abundance and availability of solar energy make it a suitable substitute for high-energy sources, especially for a device that might require continuous operation.
  • Piezoelectric Materials:
    • Piezoelectric materials, which generate electric charge in response to mechanical stress, could potentially be used as an energy source.
    • The conversion of mechanical energy to electrical energy through piezoelectric materials might provide a sustainable energy source for the device’s operation.


These substitutes are highly speculative and are based on the theoretical and conceptual framework provided. The feasibility, effectiveness, and practicality of these substitutes would need to be explored and validated through rigorous research, development, and testing. Nonetheless, they provide a starting point for conceptualizing a device using more ubiquitous and low-cost materials and technologies.